If you’re looking for a way to improve your smile, our dentists in Minneapolis & Minnetonka, MN at Holger Dental Group offer partials and full dentures near you. There are amazing benefits to dentures, including higher confidence, an improvement in eating, talking, chewing, and pain relief.
While some people don’t mind gaps or missing teeth, these things can play a negative role in your oral health. Our dentists want you to have the healthiest teeth and gums possible as dental professionals. One way we do that is comfortable and natural-looking dentures.
Several cosmetic dentistry services can make you feel proud of your smile. Dentures are a great option for those who want something permanent yet removable. Patients of all ages can benefit from wearing dentures. There are two main types of dentures – partials and full sets.
Full dentures maybe your best option for patients missing multiple teeth on one level of their mouth. If you’re missing several teeth on the top half of your mouth and little to none on the bottom half, that’s when full dentures would be used.
Holger Dental Group will meet with you at a consultation to determine which service is best for your needs. Once you’ve been approved for dentures, our team will custom make a removable set of dentures for you.
If you’re not missing enough teeth to qualify for full dentures, you may want to consider partials. Partial dentures have a thin, flesh-colored plate that sits on the roof of your mouth. There are prosthetic teeth that sit on the base while still being comfortable and fully functioning. This gadget is removable yet still custom-fit for each individual.
Holger Dental Group is passionate about each patient that walks into our office. If you require replacement teeth, we’d love to meet with you for a consultation. Booking an appointment couldn’t be easier! You can call our friendly staff, book an appointment online, or come and see us in person!